Why September is Better Than January
Does September feel like a restart to you?
To me, it’s even better than January 1 and the start of a new calendar year.
September is sharpened pencils and blank notebooks, big hopes, new chances.
Kids get new school supplies and, often, new clothes and maybe a new pair of shoes.
Mostly what they get is a new start.
So many things to learn and investigate.
And if last year didn’t go as well as they would have liked, the slate is clean again. (Read my post with back-to-
school tips.)
September can be a new start for all of us, even if we haven’t seen the inside of a school room in a long time.
It’s a great time to start a new routine.
In January, we’re exhausted from the holidays and starting on those resolutions can be daunting.
But in September you’re likely to find yourself energized after a relaxing summer.
Plus, that hint of cooler weather might just make you feel peppy and ready to tackle anything.
Learn something new.
Sign up for an Adult Education class.
Learn the basics of a foreign language.
Take an art class or a dance class or a cake-decorating class.
Or, my favorite, start a new writing project and see where that takes you.
Next, clean off your desk.
Carve out a pretty space to take notes, write your grocery lists, write your next novel/poem/article/journal entry.
Get a cute coaster for your coffee mug.
Buy yourself some new file folders (not those flimsy ones they sell at the drug store or even the stationery stores…get thick, durable cardstock folders) to organize your papers.
Toss projects you know you’ll never get around to doing.
Write down your new “curriculum.”
Make a list of the things you want to accomplish, the books you want to read.
Decide what projects are on your heart and mind.
Write those down.
And get started one baby step at a time.
Just take the smallest next step…every day.
Amaze yourself with your progress.
Get yourself some new pens that make writing feel good.
I used to like Flair felt tip pens because my sister-in-law used them, and I LOVE her printing.
Then I realized that they kind of bleed through some papers, so I went with simple Bic pens in blue.
Now I like Stabilo black point 88 fine 0,4 pens.
I believe they’re a drawing pen, but they glide across the paper beautifully!
All this is to say, if you’re going to be writing anything on paper, make sure you love your pen. (Throw a couple of black Sharpies in there, too, which are great for addressing mailing labels.)
Then don’t forget to get yourself something new to wear, something that makes you feel like a Superhero. (Maybe a couple of somethings like that.)
Add a new purse or backpack.
Then take a walk outside to clear your head.
When I’m out early in the morning, I swear I can hear Fall tiptoeing back.
Happy New Year!
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