
Secondhand Dogs Book Review — 2 Comments

  1. So I really want to hear about her mice book when it comes out! Anyone who made mouse towns has tales to tell ( I will avoid the pun!) I enjoy your interviews, Gail. Secondhand Dogs is such a great title, and the story sounds like it delivers a message that doesn’t overtake the characters, as they are so carefully drawn out. Thank you for causing me to stand in the kids section, past the picture books, and re-acquaint myself with these amazing books, and authors 😀! would have loved in elementary school.

    • Hey Nancy. Thanks for reading the post. I want to read her mouse book, too. I forgot to ask her if it was going to be picture book or a middle-grade novel. I’m glad you’re reacquainting yourself with these wonderful books. There are so many great ones out there…and I have the to-be-read stacks to prove it! Have a wonderful day!


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