
How to Make a River Dance – Part 2 — 7 Comments

  1. Gail what a good story! 🎶🥰❤️Cecilia and I red half and than she had to run off with Grandpa to do goalie practice before her next game !!
    We love it and she is looking forward to dance with River tomorrow .
    You have inspired her . She wrote a story at school and in that River survived the zombie attack 🎶

    • Cecilia and I are looking forward to reading the rest of the story tonight 🎶 Thank you sooo much 🥰

    • A zombie attack! That’s an angle I hadn’t thought of. Glad to know my story inspired her! I hope River always survives zombie attacks! Thank you, Kjersti and Cecilia. 🙂

  2. Gail, I really enjoyed reading your story of River and Cecilia. I loved the inspiration and creativity


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