
Forty-two — 2 Comments

  1. Wow! Where has the year gone? My first impulse is to say that I got nothing done this year, but that’s not true. My goal is always “get published” but as you noted, that’s not within my control. However, I did complete two self-published memoirs, my clients are very happy, and I have those two books on my shelf to commemorate my effort. I also joined a local writer’s group, so I’ll be getting feedback from my peers about my work. That can only help me become better at my craft.

    I’ve begun (finally) paying attention to my health and I’m making progress toward wellness. I was officially released from therapy earlier this year, with my therapist noting that I’ve done the work, and I don’t need her anymore. I’ve got the tools now. I’ve continued to do the internal work, ask myself the hard questions, and try to make peace with who I am and where I am on my life’s journey. Currently, I’m grappling with changing friendships and accepting that sometimes the people that I value have their own agendas, and those agendas don’t always include me. I’m trying to hold those relationships with open hands instead of a death grip. And I’ll try to accept the outcome, whatever that may be, with grace.

    I continue to put positive vibes out into the world, and heaven knows that type of energy is really needed right now! Our world is on the cusp of great change, but change never comes without struggle, or so it seems. I grieve for every person involved in or affected by war, and I lift them up in my own way. I thank God for the volunteers, humanitarians, and relief workers doing their jobs in the world. That is not my path, so I wish blessings upon them every day as they do the work of saving lives around the globe. My role is to take care of my little flock, making sure they have what they need to survive and thrive. I feel good about that.

    In writing this short response to your post, I realize that I’m actually content with where I am and what I’m doing. Sure, I’d love for a publisher or two to beg me for the privilege of publishing my masterwork, but that will happen when the time is right and not before. Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later, but the timing isn’t up to me. I’m going to keep plugging away, and simply trust that everything will unfold as it’s meant to. And, of course, I’ll enjoy my life to the best of my ability, because that is my only true obligation!

    • Hi Kelly,
      You have such a great attitude. Congratulations on your publications, too. I have a feeling you will be successful in the future and are successful now because of that attitude. The right attitude makes such a difference in how a person moves through the world and how the world reacts to that person. I love what you said, too, about being thankful for the volunteers and humanitarians doing their jobs around the globe, and that it isn’t your path. You’re absolutely right–some people are meant for that kind of work, and we can feel good about them without feeling guilty that it isn’t our path. I’m all for taking care of my little flock. Humanity and kindness begins at home. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors. <3


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