The Countdown Is On!
Drum roll, please.
The happy new year is rolling out in front of you.
What will you do with your next 364 days?
Here are three things to get rid of.
May I suggest the first thing is to get rid of the word “should.”
Strike it from your vocabulary.
There is nothing you should do, only things to do.
I don’t know about you, but when I say I should do something, what I’m really saying is, “Sure, I should, but I’m not going to because I don’t want to…and you can’t make me.”
The next thing: Get rid of the idea of making plans just to make yourself feel better.
Of course, we all want to do things that make us feel better.
But making plans on paper—things you’re going to do starting on some ambiguous day (like, “tomorrow”), isn’t a fabulous idea.
It feels good to say, “I’m going to start writing tomorrow,” after you’ve gone another day without writing a word.
Or “I’m going to start reading tomorrow,” or “running tomorrow” or “whatever-ing tomorrow.”
It makes you feel good in the moment.
You think, “It’s okay if I haven’t accomplished what I’ve been meaning to do today.
I’ve got this under control.
Starting tomorrow!
Yay me!”
It’s like a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
But then tomorrow rolls around, and you know the rest of the story.
You tell yourself, “Tomorrow. I’ll start tomorrow.” That’s the thing with “tomorrow.”
Tomorrow is always a day away. (That’s what Little Orphan Annie says, right? In that song you can’t get out of your head?)
Don’t get me wrong.
I understand the value of tomorrow.
Sometimes you really can’t start something today.
But you know what I mean.
Another good word to send packing is “resolutions.”
Don’t you prefer the word “goal”?
So if you’re the type to make New Year’s goals, take some time to write them down in a notebook, or on index cards, or in lipstick on your bathroom mirror.
Keep them close at hand and underfoot like a good dog.
Put them in your way.
The next step is to figure out next steps.
You’ve probably heard this before: What is the smallest thing you can do right now toward accomplishing this goal?
Do that thing.
Anyone can write a list of goals.
In fact, according to a 2022 poll by YouGov, 37% of Americans do.
But YOU and I are going to accomplish our goals.
Because that’s what we do.
And we are not going to disappoint ourselves.
For a quick look on how to set up a goal that has a good chance of success, read
Here’s one last thought.
As you fill your head with things you want to do this year, consider what will bring surprise and joy and meaning to your life.
So on week number one of 52 weeks, let’s go be brave and do the things we’ve always wanted to do.
I believe in you.
The Countdown Is On!
Until next week,
~ Gail
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