
Hitting a Wall — 4 Comments

  1. I feel your pain!!

    I’ve been applying for grants and entering competitions for a few years, and I have dozens of “almosts”. Top 5%, finalist, excellent feedback but still not a fit. I’ve uttered positive affirmations until I’m hoarse.

    I don’t seem to have any problem getting private memoir clients, who are all thrilled with my work, but none of them want to market their books. “It’s just for my family.”

    I’ve got a fiction project that is fantastic, but the client has hit a rough patch, and the project is on hold. Argh! I’ve applied for 10-12 grants, hoping to be a winner so I can use that money to pay myself while I work on her project, because it’s that important to me.

    I know it just takes one YES, but getting to that yes is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever tackled. But we’ll both hang in there, because the passion to write is too strong to walk away from. I’m happy to have found you to commiserate with!

    • Hi Kelly,
      I am embarrassed and I apologize for not replying to you in a timely manner. I so appreciate you taking the time to read my posts and send me comments! I really need to figure out this blogsite’s notification rules. I’m supposed to get notified whenever someone comments on a post. I have not been getting any notices! I hope you’ll accept my apologies and continue reading.

      It is so frustrating waiting to break through that wall of gatekeepers. I recently signed up for a class on query letters and it is super helpful already. The instructor is Kathy Ver Eecke. She makes everything seem so simple. Sounds like you’re doing everything in your power to push things forward. I can hear the frustration in your words!

      Keep on battering!


  2. I look forward to your next inspiration!
    There is so much room for acts of kindness in our world today, and sharing your thoughts is helpful and kind.

    • I am so sorry, Terri, for not replying sooner! I have to figure out this system…it’s supposed to notify me when I get a comment. It did not do that. Thank you so very much for reading my words and taking the time to comment. I agree, there is much room for kindness in our world. You, for one, are that kindness! Be well. Hugs.


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